Democracy for Self

How can we envision the Characteristics of a TRUE DEMOCRACY as opposed the sham democracy claimed by the upper echelon of wealth in the ‘so-called’ western Capitalistic democracy.  Most likely the average individual in the so-called current Democracies has been indoctrinated to associate Democracy with the idea that they are free and able to pursue the “American Dream” and way of life.  With their incessant pursuit of having never ending ‘more’ they have become completely unaware of what a TRUE DEMOCRACY consists of and therefore they could and SHOULD be viewed as practicing “Democracy for Self.” 

The average Human Being in this and mostly all of the ‘so called’ Democracies is convinced that they are electing the leader of their state who will then provide them with all of the Human Rights that they the people deserve.  This is mostly so because they believe that their actions are Human Rights and that they live in a democracy that allows them to practice all of the undemocratic principles of competition to get something that their peers should not be able to get or have, or their ability to take something that they desire which someone else possesses or has.  All of these desires and concepts can be seen to be from someone who may be designated as a lone individual or one who considers that this is what Democracy is all about.  Practicing democracy for self.

Much Love, Founder.