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This is a short explanation of the content on this site. It can be considered to be like a roadmap to the site.
First and of foremost importance is the exposition called “E02 An overview of ‘SR’ ”
It may be found under the page MAIN Document\An overview of ‘SR’.

This exposition is the totality of the Technology of ‘SR’.  It outlines the reasons that the Technology was developed, and the reasons that it is needed if a society wishes to attain a state of “SUSTAINABLE social ECONOMIC well being” culminating in the aims of creating a TRANSPARENT, SUSTAINABLE, egalitarian and CONTENT society. It is a lengthy dissertation not read easily and is more like a reference DOCUMENT that may be consulted by browsing.  It outlines the PHILOSOPHICAL principles, the Technology, the ‘SR’ adopted TRUTHS as well as some of the many bylaws in plain text that can be used to build the final legal texts required to build an ‘SR’ entity.

A few words about the pages accessed under the main heading.

  1. The Letter:
    This is a letter that may be addressed to the GLOBAL individual with the intent of giving them a rudimentary view of the ‘SR’ Technology, why it and other similar initiatives are vitally needed.  It also, at the conclusion of the letter makes several appeals to individuals to reduce their communication of accolades and well wishes that can interfere with the project at hand that they wish to disseminate.
  2. ‘SR’ Essentials:
    A series of individual very short items in video and/or ‘text’ only format.  These items discuss components that are symptoms of the ROOT CAUSE (which is “consumption and production”) responsible for social decline.  However, it is proposed that the simplicity of the truth of the Essential creates awareness of it in the individual. 
    It may be worthy to note here that the ‘SR’ Technology does not propose solutions for the symptoms of the ROOT CAUSE of Social decline, although awareness of the Essentials collectively, inherently suggests solutions that will enable envisioning the possibility of envisioning the solutions proposed by the ‘SR’ Technology
  3. Main Document – ‘An overview of ‘SR’
    This is the Main document as described in the introduction of this section.  It consists of three downloadable items:
    A: The full Text of the Document.
    B:  The Cover page of the document meant to be printed on a Light blue heavy stock. 
    C:  At the back of the Document are a number of drawings and charts.  If it is a little cumbersome when reading, they may be printed out for easy reference while reading online or the hard copy.
  4. Supporting Documents – Items C:,D:.and E: and F: are mostly attempts to create a short overview for those individuals who might not wish to tackle “An Overview of ‘SR’” but may wish to have a small short version of components of the ‘SR’ Technology.

A: ‘SR’ Dictionary (Standalone) is a copy of the ‘SR’ Dictionary contained in “An Overview of ‘SR’.

B: ‘SR’ Quotes – a few quotes dear to the Technology.

C: The Plain Truth – a short discussion about what are considered FACTS.

D: ‘SR’ Manifest – Just a few words about the basic makeup of the Technology’

E: ‘SR’ Technology – a short form description of the Technology.

F: Invocation – a challenge to individuals

  • About Copyrights:
    Just some notes about ‘SR’ concepts about Copyrights’

Hinderance and pre-requisite

Since it is perceived to be a hinderance in UNDERSTANDING the ‘SR’ Technology a brief description is prudent here.  If an individual does not conceive a certain something to be an undesirable, how can they be expected to think or formulate a solution that may turn the undesirable into a desirable.  If an individual conceives a ‘FACTUAL’ undesirable to be a positive or desirable, how can they be expected to look at anything that attempts to explain what needs to be done to change it.  Here however it must be assumed that the word ‘FACTUAL’ above has ANALYTICAL and LOGICAL RATIONALE that may show that it is in TRUTH a ‘FACT’.  Within the above it may seem LOGICAL that any decline or social problem that exists must first be properly evaluated before a solution to its elimination or improvement can be understood, formulated and enacted upon.
Another aspect is that if an individual’s consideration or belief is that something is impossible, it is highly unlikely that they would show any interest in studying or investigating that something.
Thus it is that ‘SR’ considers that there are two distinct pre-requisites for any individual to have any gain from any further study of the ‘SR’ Technology.  First is that the individual may look at the SIMPLE concept expressed in “SUSTAINABLE social ECONOMIC well being” and can conceptualize it to have a beneficial influence on currently existing social norms.  Second is that the individual can visualize that before they can make a declaration of ‘impossible’ or ‘possible’, the subject has to be fully researched and understood (not necessarily agreed with) before it can be declared to be impossible or possible.

Root Cause and Research:

The results of the twenty plus years of research have yielded a very SIMPLE conclusion.  That is, that the “ROOT CAUSE’ of all of the ‘ills’ that may exist on this small planet have only two sources.  The first is the currently global practice and implementation of the characteristics of a concept generally referred to as “the economy”.  The second is the human IGNORANCE of the “TRUE NATURE OF A HUMAN BEING”.  Any individual’s or isolated view of any specific existing ‘ill’ is merely a symptom of this ROOT CAUSE.  Any pursuit to reduce or eliminate such ‘ill’ may alter or improve that specifically targeted ‘ill’, within any specific society or the global society.  However, from a comprehensive view of the “ROOT CAUSE” being RESPONSIBLE for this ‘ill’ there can not be an improvement or beneficial result.

Having isolated and UNDERSTOOD the “ROOT CAUSE” has made it comparatively uncomplicated to develop a practical, workable and secure solution to those ‘ills’ collectively.

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In later research the ROOT CAUSE has been more specifically identified as “consumption and production”.  In actual fact it has been identified that “consumption and production” is a direct result of the only two sources mentioned above in the ROOT CAUSE.