Population vs Consumption

Please watch the video on youtube at address:

Although this video is mostly about the importance of population reduction it does acknowledge the concepts that are expressed in the Essential “CONSUMPTION and PRODUCTION” as well as recognizing the interconnectedness of both.  Life consumes, whether that life is vegetation, animal or the human being.  Indeed, all envisioned problems on the planet are enormous concepts and undertakings when viewing them from a perspective (the blame game of I am innocent) of demanding governments, corporations, organizations, groups, the other guy etc. must do something. When viewing it with the simplicity of fact, as opposed to the complexities of opinions, there is absolutely nothing that is in the way of every individual taking action to realize the simple fact that it is within their power to address both population growth and consumption.  However, if the individual takes steps to participate, by themselves, in the solution to the problem of over consumption and over population it is not that which by itself in isolation will solve this global problem.  It is again the recognition of the individual that there is nothing to prevent any individual who understands the need to take some steps in disseminating and educating their relatives, friends and neighbours into spreading the concept that will then have the only chance to reverse the global decline.  As a last thought if the unearthly amount of capital existing in the hands of a few people for their own pleasure could and would be used to ensure that the rest of the world could (without charity, but education) have a decent existence, there would be less need for them to have many children with the dream that some will survive and assist in the well being of their and their fellow’s life.  Lastly it is the enormous wealth of people in the western world spent on material things which creates the problem of consumption as opposed to the current consumption of the rest of the world.

Much Love, Founder.